Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 31, 2024

This Privacy Policy applies to this website and Karen van Kampen and explains how Karen van Kampen collects, uses, and discloses personal information. In general, “personal information” is information about an identifiable individual, subject to more particular definitions or interpretations under applicable law. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information that is not personal information as defined in or interpreted under applicable law. Karen van Kampen collects, uses, and discloses personal information as necessary to operate this website and communicate with you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy. Karen van Kampen reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. You should review this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that you are aware of and accept any changes made.

Collection and Use of Personal Information. The type of personal information that is collected, used, and disclosed in relation to this website includes the following information:

  • name, address, email address, contact details, and other incidental information;

  • your issue or area of interest;

  • information about you contained in your communications with Karen van Kampen, whether online or offline; and

  • information collected with your consent or as permitted or required by law.

Karen van Kampen uses this information:

  • to offer and provide information to you;

  • to communicate with you and to respond to your requests and enquiries;

  • to manage and administer this website, including to avoid negligence and protect you and me against error and fraud; and

  • as permitted or required by law or for purposes for which you otherwise provide your consent.

Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Information. Karen van Kampen may disclose your personal information to third parties, including:

  • where required or authorized by law;

  • where instructed by you to disclose your personal information to a third party for a designated purpose;

  • where there is reason to believe that a third party requesting your information is doing so under your instructions or as your agent; and

  • where you consent or as permitted or required by law.

Karen van Kampen may use third-party service providers to process your personal information on my behalf. I use reasonable measures to require such organizations to process your personal information only to perform the services that they have been engaged to provide. Please note that some of these service providers may be located outside Canada. As a result, your personal information may be transferred and processed outside. Contractual or other measures I may use to protect your personal information in such circumstances are subject to the legal requirements of the foreign jurisdictions where your personal information may be transferred or processed.

Personal Information Provided by Way of this Website. The only personal information that Karen van Kampen collects about you when you use this website is what you tell me about yourself, for example, by completing an online form when you request receipt of a Karen van Kampen publication, or information you provide through the Contact Page of this website or when you send me an email. As most websites do, this website tracks usage patterns on this website on an anonymous basis. Your identity cannot reasonably be ascertained from this information. Each time you visit this website, the hosting provider’s servers record, among other things, your Internet service provider, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit and the documents downloaded, the searches you performed, and the referring URLs you came from. This website uses this information to optimize website services. For your convenience, links may be offered from this website to other websites. However, Karen van Kampen is not responsible for, and does not accept any liability for, the personal information collection, use, and disclosure practices of other entities to which this website may link. You should consult the privacy policies of these other entities before providing any personal information on their websites.

Your Consent. Karen van Kampen collects, uses, and discloses your personal information with your consent or as permitted or required by law. Your consent may be express or implied, depending on the circumstances and the sensitivity of the personal information in question. If you choose to provide personal information to Karen van Kampen, the assumption is that you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you provide personal information about another person to Karen van Kampen, the assumption is you have the consent of that individual for Karen van Kampen to collect, use, or disclose their information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent, please do not provide your personal information or the personal information of others or, where applicable, exercise the opt-in or opt-out options offered. Subject to legal requirements and reasonable notice, you may refuse to consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information or you may withdraw your consent to the further collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by contacting Karen van Kampen via the Contact Page of this website. There are instances where Karen van Kampen may collect, use, or disclose your personal information without your consent, including to comply with a subpoena or court order or to comply with the rules of court regarding the production of records.

Security. Karen van Kampen has implemented reasonable physical, organizational, and technological security measures to safeguard the personal information in my custody or control. These include safeguards to protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. You can generally visit this website without providing any personal information. However, given that electronically submitted data is not 100% secure, Karen van Kampen does not make any warranties as to the security of any such personal information that you submit, which you do at your own risk.

Enquiries and Complaints. If you wish to request access to, or correction of, your personal information in custody or control of this website, please make your request in writing by contacting Karen van Kampen via the Contact Page of this website.